Fakoo ,
the alternative dot-writing (9-dot-script or 9-dot-writing) by Alexander Fakoó
Palpable black-type letters for the blind, visually impaired and sighted
Display of all letters and numbers of the black text only by 9 dots - this is not the Braille !
[Fakoo text of the alphabet A-Z in Eurobraille: t;yl9k&,%kqa9lrl#.-brkv.qlpl9,q,9;qk#a4avl2b{lok5ayk ]
The characters of the Fakoo Alphabet
consist of up to 9 dots in a grid of
3 × 3 dots in height and width.
Including letter spacing, all
fakoo characters can thus be
defined by two Braille characters (Nine-dot font, 9-dot Braille, 9-dot code, 9-dot writing, Fakoo code, 12-dot font, 12-dot code).
[Fakoo text of the numbers 1-0 and the punctuation mark in Eurobraille: !ln.y,8,7a{;3b7;gl&l' * $ ` w,:,xk*a3a4b!ko <a5 wkm; ]
The Fakoo Writing (short called Fakoo - written F a k o o and emphasized on the last syllable)
is to serve as a link between the 6-dot Braille and the black text -
so that blind, visually impaired and sighted can communicate better with each
other. Especially in the public sector, many new applications are due to
the greater acceptance of sighted. Moreover, Fakoo would be an
alternative to Braille for those who can not cope with Braille.
Like our black text and Braille, Fakoo is also read from left to right. Fakoo Writing (the Fakoo Alphabet, Fakoo Script, Fakoo Writing) can also be used
outdoor as a
night script or a stone script.
The characters of the dot-writing Fakoo are
intuitively comprehensible to the blind and the
sighted, if the Latin letters are known:
---------- Table Fakoo Alphabet ----------
The dot numbering of the Fakoo characters:
Line 1: [1] [4] [7] [10]
Line 2: [2] [5] [8] [11]
Line 3: [3] [6] [9] [12]
(The dots 10, 11 and 12 are always
empty as a black letter spacing)
Fakoo characters - Fakoo dots - Eurobraille characters
Character A = d 23 45 89 = in Eurobraille t;
Character B = d 13 456 789 = in Eurobraille yl
Character C = d 2 46 79 = in Eurobraille 9k
Character D = d 123 46 8 = in Eurobraille &,
Character E = d 123 456 79 = in Eurobraille %k
Character F = d 123 45 7 = in Eurobraille qa
Character G = d 2 46 789 = in Eurobraille 9l
Character H = d 123 5 789 = in Eurobraille rl
Character I = d 3 456 9 = in Eurobraille #.
Character J = d 3 6 78 = in Eurobraille -b
Character K = d 123 5 79 = in Eurobraille rk
Character L = d 123 6 9 = in Eurobraille v.
Character M = d 123 45 789 = in Eurobraille ql
Character N = d 123 4 789 = in Eurobraille pl
Character O = d 2 46 8 = in Eurobraille 9,
Character P = d 123 45 8 = in Eurobraille q,
Character Q = d 2 46 89 = in Eurobraille 9;
Character R = d 123 45 79 = in Eurobraille qk
Character S = d 3 456 7 = in Eurobraille #a
Character T = d 1 456 7 = in Eurobraille 4a
Character U = d 123 6 789 = in Eurobraille vl
Character V = d 12 6 78 = in Eurobraille 2b
Character W = d 123 56 789 = in Eurobraille {l
Character X = d 13 5 79 = in Eurobraille ok
Character Y = d 1 56 7 = in Eurobraille 5a
Character Z = d 13 456 79 = in Eurobraille yk
Character 0 = d 123 46 789 = in Eurobraille &l
Character 1 = d 5 789 = in Eurobraille !l
Character 2 = d 13 45 9 = in Eurobraille n.
Character 3 = d 13 456 8 = in Eurobraille y,
Character 4 = d 12 56 8 = in Eurobraille 8,
Character 5 = d 12 456 7 = in Eurobraille 7a
Character 6 = d 123 56 89 = in Eurobraille {;
Character 7 = d 1 46 78 = in Eurobraille 3b
Character 8 = d 12 456 89 = in Eurobraille 7;
Character 9 = d 12 45 789 = in Eurobraille gl
Character . = d 6 = in Eurobraille '(sp)
Character , = d 3 5 = in Eurobraille *(sp)
Character : = d 46 = in Eurobraille $(sp)
Character ; = d 3 45 = in Eurobraille `(sp)
Character ! = d 1 46 7 = in Eurobraille 3a
Character ? = d 1 456 78 = in Eurobraille 4b
Character + = d 2 456 8 = in Eurobraille w,
Character - = d 2 5 8 = in Eurobraille :,
Character = = d 13 46 79 = in Eurobraille xk
Character * = d 3 45 9 = in Eurobraille ä.
Character # = d 13 79 = in Eurobraille kk
Character / = d 3 5 7 = in Eurobraille *a
Character ( = d 56 7 = in Eurobraille <a
Character ) = d 1 56 = in Eurobraille 5(sp)
Character < = d 5 79 = in Eurobraille !k
Character > = d 13 5 = in Eurobraille o(sp)
Character @ = d 13 4 89 = in Eurobraille m;
Character & = d 23 456 79 = in Eurobraille }k
Character € = d 2 456 79 = in Eurobraille wk
The space (sp) corresponds to the Braille empty form (width 2 dots)
Fakoo allows labels that anyone can read (such as signposts, rooms, plans,
keys, etc.). Likewise, the Fakoo script is suitable for sending messages
blind to sighted, which Braille can not read, information sighted for
the blind and visually impaired or as an alternative for the blind,
who have not learned Braille or Braille is too complicated.
Although the length of the font is
double that of Braille, it is readable to the
sighted and the blind. Especially for late-blind
people, this font is easier to learn because the Latin
letters form the basis and no characters are double-occupied. And
the Fakoo Alphabet is Braille compatible due to the same character height!
The idea of making the writing for the sighted, that is the black text, palpable
with the help of dots, had certainly already been anticipated by many
developers. Here, however, this idea was further developed until
finally all letters, numbers and punctuation marks could be
displayed clearly legible at a height of only three points.
The Fakoo alphabet was developed as an alternative braille for the blind, visually
impaired and sighted - in continuation of the idea of Louis Braille for
his Raphigraphy (Raphigraphie / Raphigrafie) and based on the
Barbier alphabet with 12 dots - from July 2006 to April 2008.
However, for this purpose, a grid of 3 × 4 dots was initially set and
designed the black-text letters as horizontal capital letters so
that they could be reproduced with a normal Braille
display or printed with a Braille printer (Fakoo12).
Later, the current Fakoo alphabet (previously
Fakoo9) was developed, which works
with a grid of 3 × 3 dots.
Raphigrafie + Barbier + Braille
» Fakoo
These 9 dots are still detectable
with the finger tip, that with appropriate
feeling of fingertip no vertical movements are
necessary and yet each character is clearly recognizable.
Louis Braille invented 1839 the "raphigraphy", a system which represents
the alphabet with large print letters composed of Braille dots.
But the letters was height 10 dots and width 2 dots or more.
My system "fakoo" is many smaller, the letters are height
3 dots and width 3 dots only. Nevertheless my letters
can read by the blind and the sighted peoples!
(nine dot alphabet / nine dot braille)
Due to the consistent compliance of a maximum of 3 dots in height and
width can be used for the alternative dot-writing Fakoo all Braille
utensils and techniques! Any means of writing Braille or
making Braille labels can also be used with Fakoo.
In addition to personal notes and messages between the blind and the
sighted, the applications are very extensive, especially in the public domain,
where a lot of information for orientation or use of all must be readable. Therefore, the
Fakoo alphabet
should be known to every blind person or own as an embossing print.
Developer is Alexander Fakoó, who has learned to read the Braille Writing optically.
The idea for the dot-writing Fakoo (Fakoo Writing) was born in July 2006 as a
12-dot font, completed the development as a 9-dot font in April 2008.
Assignment of the Fakoo characters to the 512 possible 9-dot characters: