Alphabets of disabled people

Alternatives to Lorm Alphabet

Alternatives for deafblind

  • Painting capital letters / block letters in the palm of its hand (writing in the hands of deafblind people): Tactile capital letters for the initial communication
  • Malossi Alphabet   (touch-alphabet on the palm of the hand):
    Malossi Alphabetused in Italy
  • Niessen alphabet   (touch-alphabet on the back of the hand):
    Letters Niessen Alphabet
  • Dactylation (scanning the fingeralphabet, 'Tactile Fingerspelling' or 'Deafblind Alphabet':
    Letters fingeralphabet mainly in the USA
  • Manual Alphabet   (variant of the two-handed finger alphabet or Deafblind Manual Alphabet):
    Deafblind Manual Alphabet in Great Britain / Canada
  • tactile sign language / tactile gestures (feel gestures restricted, 'hand-over-hand' or 'hand-on-signing'): Symbol 'two flat hands with splayed fingers circling each other' for sign language [...englisch 'Hand-over-Hand' oder 'Hand-on-Signing' ]
    possible for people who have used sign language before their blindness
  • Visual Frame   (reduced gestures at visual impairment): Symbol 'two flat hands with splayed fingers circling each other' small and in a frame visual use of reduced gestures in the highly restricted field of vision of a deaf person
  • Tandem   (feeling of gestures with acoustic support): Symbol 'two flat hands with splayed fingers circling each other' and ear simultaneous feeling of tactile gestures and acoustic recording of the spoken word in case of existing hearing loss
  • Braille   (electronic aids): Tabli with Braillino
    single-sided or two-sided communication system with Braille output for the deafblind and normal keyboard for the assistant
  • Finger Braille   (touch alphabet with 6 fingers / write braille on the hand):
    'braille' from opposite on the fingers 'braille' from behind on the fingers
    The Braille characters are written directly on the 6 or 3 fingers of the other (Japan)
  • Tadoma   (Feeling the articulation movements): Hand position at the Tadoma The thumb or forefinger registers the movements of the lips while the remaining fingers touch the cheek and neck
  • Morse   (one-finger knock alphabet):
    the Morse code  (Morse A)(Morse H) is knocked into the hand or other parts of the body (also possible unobserved)

VIDEO from the 9th Helen Keller World Conference 2009 of the WFDB on various forms of communication of deafblind people from all over the world at ->> YouTube