Alphabets of disabled people

Learn the ColorAdd color code

The new color code ColorAdd ® can be used in many different ways due to its simple structure. However, in order to be able to use it effectively, as many color-blind people as possible should know the principle and be able to assign the respective colors at any time.

own color code logo with blue and red triangle and yellow slash, outlined in black

Here you can learn the ColorAdd code online.


cheat sheet 1
cheat sheet 2
cheat sheet 3
cheat sheet 4


  • start the random query by clicking on [Start query]
  • You can change how the answers are displayed at any time
  • select "similar" to get similar answers only (more demanding)
  • choose the correct answer by clicking on one of the four answer buttons
  • if the answer is correct, the smiley smiles and the next query appears

Farbstifte mit ColorAdd-Kennzeichnungen (12-er Packung) aus Portugal