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Moon Alphabet as TTF font

The Moon Alphabet is an alternative Braille script.

To get an idea of readability, download the font, install it on your computer and format any text.

Font Dotty-Moon:
Install the font Dotty-Moon on your computer
[ created by Alexander Fakoó 2014 ]

Download 'Dotty-Moon.ttf'

Test the successful installation:
This text appears [sz. 18]
in Dotty-Moon! [sz. 24]

Font Moon 9 CC:
Install the font Moon 9 on your computer
[ created by Alexander Fakoó 2014 ]

Download 'Moon-9.ttf'

To print printouts for embossing on swelling paper or similar, you must use at least font size 28 so that the characters are tactile.

Test the successful installation:
This text appears [sz. 18]
in Moon 9! [sz. 24]

Hints - Lower case letters like upper case letters - Usable from font size 12

Install the font RNIB MOON on your computer

Download 'rnibmoon.ttf'
[ Font created by ]

Test the successful installation:
This text appears [sz. 18]
in RNIB MOON! [sz. 24]

- cannot be used as embedded font on websites - Lower case letters like upper case letters

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