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------------------------ the fingeralphabet ------------------------

A closed fist away from the body, thumbs on the side
B flat hand away from the body, finger up, thumb on the palm
C thumb and remaining fingers form an open semicircle
D index finger up, thumb and remaining fingers form a closed circle
E thumb in front of the palm, the rest of the fingers touch the thumb with the fingertips
F thumb and forefinger form a closed circle, the remaining three fingers are spread upwards
G closed hand to the body, index finger points to the left
H closed hand to the body, index and middle finger pointing parallel to the left
I closed fist away from the body, thumb in front, little finger upwards
J closed fist away from the body, thumb in front, little finger up, rotary motion of the hand around vertical axis
K closed hand away from the body, index finger up, middle finger diagonally forward, thumb next to middle finger upwards (possibly crossing middle finger and thumb)
L palm away from body, index finger up, thumb to the left, remaining fingers on the palm
M palm down, index, middle and ring finger (possibly also small finger) stretched down, thumb under the fingers
N palm down, index and middle fingers stretched out, remaining fingers on the palm of the hand, thumbs under the extended fingers
O thumb and remaining fingers form a closed circle
P palm down, index finger forward, middle finger down, thumb down to the left, remaining fingers on the palm
Q palm down, index finger and thumb down, remaining fingers on the palm
R closed hand away from body, index and middle fingers show crossed up
S closed fist away from the body, thumbs in front of the fingers
T closed hand to the left, index finger stretched to the left, thumb on forefinger forward
U closed hand away from the body, index and middle finger together upwards, thumb on the palm
V closed hand away from the body, index and middle finger spread up, thumb on the palm
W flat hand away from the body, index, middle and ring finger (and possibly small finger) spread upwards, thumb on the palm
X closed hand to the left, index finger up, but angled
Y closed Hand away from the body, thumb and little finger spread apart
Z closed hand away from the body, index finger upwards writes a 'Z' in the air (zigzag movement)

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