Additional window of

------------------------------ Table ColorAdd-Code: ------------------------------

Abbreviation for "top left": t-l (a triangle points to the top left)
Abbreviation for "bottom right": b-r (a triangle points to the bottom right)
Abbreviation for "in a full square": in square (the sign is inverse)
red triangle t-l
bright red triangle t-l, with frame
dark red triangle t-l, in square
yellow slash
bright yellow slash, with frame
dark yellow slash, in square
blue triangle b-r
bright blue triangle b-r, with frame
dark blue triangle b-r, in square
orange triangle t-l, slash
bright orange triangle t-l, slash, with frame
dark orange triangle t-l, slash, in square
green slash, triangle b-r
bright green slash, triangle b-r, with frame
dark green slash, triangle b-r, in square
brown triangle t-l, slash, triangle b-r
bright brown triangle t-l, slash, triangle b-r, with frame
dark brown triangle t-l, slash, triangle b-r, in square
violet triangle t-l, triangle b-r
bright violet triangle t-l, triangle b-r, with frame
dark violet triangle t-l, triangle b-r, in square
white empty frame
black full square
bright gray dot, with frame
dark gray dot, in square
silver dot, with frame, to the left of it a vertical line
gold slash, in square, to the left of it a vertical line

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